Learn how REALTRAC customers across the country and across all types of industries use the key features of this easy to use Enterprise Resource Planning to make a real difference in their operations. Companies use different modules to meet their needs, but they all agree: the software is very effective; it is so easy to use that you do not need a company administrator or expert and the return on investment is seen in a matter of weeks.
Alliance Broach & Tool has utilized REALTRAC software for many years. It has streamlined their operations, increased their profit margins and allowed them to support strong growth in their business.
If you aren’t using REALTRAC you are sacrificing profit margin every day. Companies of any size need REALTRAC to remain competitive and profitable.
Running a small to medium sized machine shop business presents many challenges. Alliance Broach & Tool (part of J& L Turning) in East China, Michigan (
Alliance Broach Tool website) has been in the business of building their operations and client base for over 35 years; they know about some of these challenges. In spite of a tough economic climate, however, Alliance continues to grow – a lot, in fact. After thirty six years, that is an impressive accomplishment. “My father always said that if we were not growing the business we were on our way to being out of business” said company president, Mike Johnson. The company is still run by one of the founders, Helen Johnson, together with her son Mike Johnson.
Alliance Broach and Tool’s 28,000 square foot facility in East China, Michigan
Alliance Broach and Tool do highly customized broach manufacturing and re- working for a full range of industries from agriculture to aerospace, from automotive to medical and from marine to heavy equipment. They have continuously expanded their operations and offerings to include highly specialized broaches of all types and specifications including custom spirex broaches and splines up to 84 inches.
Managing hundreds of customers while running a tight, just –in-time operation requires the kinds of management tools REALTRAC provides.
“We are like custom cabinet makers”, said Mike Johnson, everything we do is completely custom and done to the exact specifications of our customers.
Working with hundreds of customers both domestically and internationally Alliance Broach & Tool runs a tight, just-in-time operation. They have also been able to build an international customer base; an important achievement for a smaller firm.
Mike Johnson and Helen Johnson, owners Alliance Broach & Tool
New customers and new markets are always top of mind at Alliance Broach & Tool. One of the tools that they have leveraged to both manage this growth and their costs is
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software from REALTRAC. This one tool often saves companies, even very small firms more money than any tool on their shop floor.
ERP software allows even small firms to effectively manage their operations by providing up-to-date
information at all times for quoting, costing, and managing projects as the
move through an operation. Many small shops believe that using a program like REALTRAC should be delayed until they are larger. By doing so, they can miss a significant cost savings. Alliance's experience validates this, founder Helen Johnson commented “We had a pretty quick return, the improvement in our job planning, cost analysis and floor operations meant that within a matter of months the
software paid for itself."
"We had a pretty quick return, the improvement in our job planning, cost analysis and floor operations meant that within a matter of months the software paid for itself."
Small firms can get a large return on their investment. Alliance Broach & Tool’s President Mike Johnson will tell you, that the time and money saved by effectively using
ERP software has made a huge difference in their profitability. “The saved history in our system helps us develop quotes more quickly and more accurately, and if I want to know the status of any item on the shop floor, that information is just a few clicks away”, said Mr. Johnson. He estimates that over the years they would have had to add several additional administrative people to do the same sorts of tracking and management that their REALTRAC
ERP software provides.
In an increasingly global marketplace, efficiency matters in any size operation. Systems and software that increase your productivity help you remain competitive.
“I know about a project, especially if there is a problem, before anyone from the shop floor comes to my office to talk to me about it.” said Mike Johnson. “Even better,” he added “Once we make an adjustment or resolve a problem it is documented and we don’t have to revisit it later.” This type of efficiency is what shops of any size need to stay competitive and keep their business growing. In an increasingly global marketplace, efficiency matters in any size operation.
ERP Systems and
ERP software that increase your productivity help you remain competitive.
It is all about the ROI (return on investment). As any small business owner, and especially the owners of a busy machine shop know, running a smooth operation with tight scheduling and minimum inventory levels is absolutely vital to staying profitable and in some cases, staying in business. Often time shops rely on two or three individuals just to manage the operations. Good
ERP software means that businesses can operate with less administrative headcount allowing them to hire more productive floor headcount. A strong
ERP system tracks the entire job and coordinates the work flow for all current projects and provides instant visibility to the entire team on the floor and in the front offices. It is both the reduction in head count and the ability to optimize work flows that allow
ERP systems to pay for themselves within a few months. REALTRAC can be run and leveraged by the entire team. No one individual has to be specially trained to run the system; generating smoother operations and additional cost savings.
ERP systems also help firms prepare for audits and certifications. With a few simple key strokes the documentation needed for nearly any type of audit or certification process can be completed. This regularly saves dozens of hours that can be focused on your business, rather than searching for and compiling documentation.
“We’ve been using REALTRAC software since 1994 and I know it has saved us a ton of money” said Mike Johnson. Building efficiencies into every process means that even small and medium sized firms like Alliance Broaching & Tool get a very fast return on the investment they make into an easy to use
ERP system. No matter how small your firm is or how complicated, or streamlined, your operations are, you need to evaluate
ERP software. It is no longer something that is just for big business or very sophisticated operations, it is for businesses that want to grow and stay in business.
Take a tip from the Johnson Family at Alliance Broaching & Tool and use ERP software to streamline your operations so that you can focus on what matters, building your business and your profitability. New generation
ERP software will help ensure that your business is passed along to your next generation.
Contact us today to learn more!